We've added new dates for our popular ST3 trauma and orthopaedic interview mocks 2024 which now feature communication sections with real actors!

Given the feedback and popularity of the mock interviews held in December and February we have added extra mock interviews on Saturday 3rd March ahead of the 18th March 2024 interview window.

2024 ST3 Orthopaedic Interview Course Mock Interviews 3rd-4th Feb & 3rd March 2023

Our ST3 Orthopaedic Mock Interviews are a focused, practise interview that simulates the real interview with realistic questions and immediate feedback.
Participants rotate in groups of 3-4 so that you learn both from tutors and your peers.

All mock interviews feature communication sections featuring actors to give you unprecedented realism and practice ahead of the interviews in March to get ahead of the competition.

Places are limited so be sure to Book NOW to avoid missing out.

ST3 Orthopaedic Question Bank Updated for ST3 2024

Our award-winning ST3 Orthopaedic Questions Bank of interview questions that you can use to prepare for your interview has been updated for 2024. 

Featuring over 670 unique, hand picked questions written by consultants the the highest scoring candidates and covering all of the stations including communication and using innovative ways to learn including HD anatomy spots, video lectures and interactive images.

Register NOW!