
Introducing the Wednesday Blog

Wed Blog

Welcome to the brand new ST3 Ortho Interview Wednesday Blog post.

The weekly blog will feature free help and resources for everyone applying to ST3 Orthopaedic Specialty Training in 2014. The blog will include sample questions to help practise your interview skills, tips on CV/portfolio creation and many more top tips to help you secure an orthopaedic national training number.

For the first blog post we have put together an overview of the website and the ST3 Orthopaedic Selection Process.

Guide to www.orthointerview.com and The Selection Process

ST3 Ortho Interview has been designed by current T&O Registrars in the UK who have been successful at recent national selection.

For many CT2s and LAT/LAS trainees the application and interview may seem like a long way off but it is important to be aware of what is required well ahead of time. There is still plenty of time left to polish your CV and add a few extra point scoring items before the application opens in December.

The Application The online application process opens in December and is managed by the intrepid:pathway system. This will be familiar to those who have come straight through from core training as it is the same system used as for CT application. You will need to enter all of your personal information, previous jobs and mandatory courses (BSS, ATLS, CRiSP). Make sure that you will have completed the required courses by the required date.

At the end of the application there is a Self-Assessment section. This requires you assess your own experience to date and to complete several free-text boxes to demonstrate your leadership, management, teamwork, communication skills and suitability for the job. The questions are based on the Person Specification for ST3 T&O. We will look at the application in further detail in the coming months.

The Interview ST3 orthopaedic interviews are held at Elland Road Stadium, Leeds. Interviews are comprised of three 15 minute stations: portfolio, clinical and interactive.

The interview can be daunting and the best way to succeed is with realistic practise. Both our orthopaedic interview course and orthopaedic question bank will help you to maximise your chances of success at the interview.

For examples of the kind of questions asked at interview check back here every Wednesday and also take a look at our Sample Questions.